Emma is a Certified Mould Testing Technician and EMF mitigation specialist with a keen interest in Environmental Health since the birth of her two children. Emma is currently completing her Advanced Diploma in Building Biology through the Australian College of Environmental Studies and has been working alongside Deanne for many years.
A member of the Australasian Society of Building Biologists Emma practices through Western and South Australia. She has been working with Building Biology WA since they opened their Joondalup office.
Hi there........
I have always had an interest in health and well being, and helping people.
I initially spent 11 years working in the legal industry, helping people (mainly victims of crime) obtain compensation for their injuries, before taking some time out to watch my children grow up.
As a mum of 2 young children, a lot of my time at home focused on keeping their environment clean and healthy; it wasn’t too long before I realised just how many cleaning products were filled with chemicals and changed over to more natural and ‘clean’ ways – nowadays, I have a drawer full of washable, microfiber cloths!
In 2013, my youngest was born and not long after, my eldest started experiencing some respiratory issues. Fast forward 2 years, a lot of sleepless nights and more visits to various doctors than I could possibly keep count of, and we finally found out that allergies were to blame – in amongst the mix of various allergens were house dust mite and mould. Boy, oh boy, do I look back now and wish I knew about building biology sooner because in all likelihood it quite possibly could have saved us a whole heap of heartache!
In 2018, my youngest started full-school and it was time for me to look at returning to work. I honestly believe that ‘if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be’, but I still couldn’t believe my luck when I came across a job advertisement for a position with Building Biology WA – I could barely contain my excitement when Deanne called me!
Little did I know at that stage that the admin-type position I applied for would lead to me starting my Advanced Diploma of Building Biology (and completing my first certification and becoming a qualified Mould Testing Technician) less than 12 months later, but I’m over the moon that it’s panned out that way and am so excited to be able to help people find answers.