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Organic Cotton bed sheets? Yes please!

The process of changing from synthetic materials such as polyester to more natural and organic fibres such as linen, cotton, organic bamboo, silk, leather and wool for bedding, clothing and soft furnishings can be an expensive one! Personally, I tend to wait until the sales are on. Do I feel bad about buying during sales such as Black Friday and End of Financial Year? Absolutely not when I am buying from ethical companies that provide products that support both the farmer by reducing their exposure to chemicals in particular pesticides and the health of myself and loved ones. Anything that puts money into the hands of those that care about health and the environment is good by me.

Conventional bedding and clothing contain a plethora of chemicals from formaldehyde (carcinogenic) to flame retardants and plastics (endocrine disrupting) and antimicrobials (microbiome disrupting) that impacts health and often prevents the body from being able to regulate heat and breathe. Mony people do not realise that cotton is the most sprayed crop in the world and can be incredibly harmful for the farmer and the environment.

My advice when switching is over is to start with the big players which for most would be underwear, bed sheets, PJs if you wear them and active wear or something that you wear on a daily basis and or sweat in.

Getting preloved cottons and linens can also be helpful if on a budget and can be a great idea with little ones as they grow so quickly and organic clothing and bedding can be pretty pricey, (this does not extend to underwear)! It is also important to read the label. Often companies advertise organic cotton but upon reading the label it appears that they are mixed with polyester for example (Target likes to do this I’ve noticed). To save a few $$ I also support nonorganic natural fibres such as linen or wool over plastic based fibre that can be washed a few times but still hold the properties of the natural fibre such as breathability.

I also support the less is more philosophy when it comes to belongings and appreciating good craftsmanship and quality over mass produced products.

With Valentines Day and Mother’s Day just around the corner perhaps adding some Bhumi organic sheets, Nomad the label organic linen pants or a nice Woollykins Merino wool sweat or slipper to your hubby’s hint list wouldn’t go astray.

Remember there is no need to throw all your clothes and bedding out and go on a huge spending spree but a healthy and conscious awareness to support better products.



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